Fall Equinox- A Deepening Into Our Own Germination
Photo by Sarah Mason on Unsplash
Darksome Night and Shining Moon
Balance of the dark and light,
Hearken ye our Witch's Rune,
As we perform our sacred rite!With earth and water, air and fire,
By blade and bowl and circle round,
We come to you with our desire:
Let all that is hidden now be found!-Witches Rune by S.J. Tucker
For centuries the Fall Equinox (Mabon) have been a time where people would gather together and celebrate the summer days that are fading away, their harvest and all that they have been working on externally and internally. There were joyful waves of welcomes to the colder winter months ahead. They would share food, pull cards, read poetry, sing songs, share reflections, and dance around the warm light of a fire while burning the things they wish to leave behind. There is a potent continuous mirroring that seasons give to us from nature of death and rebirth and on this day of the equinox, we find there is equal parts day as their is to the night- an equality inside of the duality of shadow and light.
Within craft, it is believed that the journey is what will continue to keep us warm and that magic is ultimately the process of changing consciousness at will. So ultimately, to study oneself can then be the form of magic that they may have been looking for all along to form positive change. There is never judgment on the shadow and no belief that only light is what makes up life. Mabon is a soft open door to let a culture where there is a lot of critical judgments upon ourselves for that parts that aren’t the shining light, to step inside and notice that there is strength to be found in the areas that we try to hide.
In all of us lays the depth of shadow and I truly believe darkness in hindsight is a beautiful thing- it’s where seeds start to germinate. As these bad habits or troubles that accumulate in our psyche get brought to the surface and get celebrated and even honored, their is a veil that lifts from our sprit that was once binding us to our fears and repetitions. Centering of self actualization and personal freedom is found even a little more and new patterns, little seedlings of intentions, get to grow and take form in our realities. This is our own unique dance inside the wheel. This is our very own unique spiral dance.
Even If you aren’t planning to engage in a ritual for the equinox, taking a sweet pause to acknowledge the season’s changing is a valuable practice for reflection and gaining perspective. Today is a day to call in- a day to appreciate our many blessings and to spread that around as we remember this is a personal as well as collective experience. We get to gather and celebrate our harvests weather that is food from our gardens, the harvest of all the work we have brought into fruition, or even a combination of them both. The equinox can be a very personal holiday, so choosing what is right for you is important. There is no right or wrong way to celebrate and honor oneself and gratitude itself can spread quicker than wild fire.
Since this can be a very personal holiday, ways of engaging and celebrating the equinox can look look many different ways. Traditionally, adding to an altar, making a fire, making seasonal food, and sharing intention is involved. Decorate the altar with seasonal fruits, grains, flowers, acorns, and any parts of animals you may have. Baskets, yarn, seed pods, shells, and cloth are some other items you could add. When lighting a candle or making a fire, think about the shadow within that is the most present, show it gratitude, maybe even write it down and then burn it to seal the release. If you feel like weaving, with others or by yourself, you could weave/sow and while doing so, think of all the things you wish to weave more into your life. Maybe soak in some water, eat a nourishing meal, take a walk- any form of purifying yourself you wish. Lastly, celebrate. Celebrate because you are alive, living and breathing in this wheel of life.
Blessings xoxox
Happy Equinox/ Mabon to you all